Tuesday, January 13, 2015

What it takes to be an inspiration.

Just what does it take to inspire someone?Not necessarily as much as you might think.  It will differ for each person.  You might not even realize that you are being an inspiration.  Everything that you do can be inspiring to the right person.

Did you share a recipe that was healthy?  Someone might have seen it and decide that looks good and takes a step to cook a meal at home instead of going out.  Guess what! You just inspired someone.

Did you post a photo of yourself at the gym?  Someone might have seen it and decided they were going to do something active.  Guess what! You just inspired someone.

Did you do something that pushed you outside of your comfort zone?  Did you shout it to the roof tops when you finished?  Someone probably saw it and probably decided to do something else to step outside of their comfort zone.  Guess what! You just inspired someone. 

I know that running a marathon or an ultra marathon is inspiring.  So is running a 5k when you couldn't run 30 seconds a year ago.   You know what else is inspiring?  Walking a 5k even when you are worried people might be looking at you. 

Anything you do that pushes you is inspiring. Remember that what you are doing could be inspiring someone, just as you are being inspired by others.

Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Resolutions and Goals

I am not a big New Year’s Resolutionist.  If I set them too quickly, without a lot of thought, they usually aren’t right for the long term and I give up.  If I spend too much time setting them, the year is too far into it and I give up.  Sometimes I set them too hard and challenging, so I give up.  Rarely do I set them too easy but when I do, they are over before I even get the satisfaction of working on them.  Sense a theme here?  I give up on them.
Goals should be in constant evolution as you grow and change.  When you realize there is something you want, figure out how to obtain it and go for it.  Don’t wait for the New Year to start your weight-loss journey, your sub 3:00 marathon, your quest for all the 4,000 footers in NH, the list goes on and on.
So what are you waiting for! Just because New Year’s Day has passed doesn't mean it is too late or too early to set those goals.  Goals are motivation!
Set your goal.
Set when you want to achieve your goal.
Write down the steps needed to achieve your goal, including mini goals.
Execute your plan.