When I started biking last summer, I spent a lot of time riding on roads with my friend Bethany. Towards the end of summer, we decided to take a shot at mountain biking. The weather was perfect! Rainy drizzle, wet and muddy trails, it couldn't have been a better way to get introduced to mountain biking. After breezing up the 90 degree hill, the roots and rocks were a snap, the turns a bit curvy. You sensed my sarcasm right? I had to walk up the hill, had to stop and climb off the bike to get over some of the rocks, and on one sensational curve, went ass over tea kettle. In the process of falling, my calf took my saddle and turned it sideways. I had to hobble out of the woods, had trouble walking for a few days, and a contusion that lasted the rest of summer into the fall.
Last week, a week ago today actually, I participated in a womens specific mountain bike clinic with the
Bellaship at
Catamount Family Center. It was the hardest two hours of my life! Ok, so that is an exaggeration, but my muscles got quite the workout. This getting back on the horse experience was the best one yet. I rode in the woods, I rode over rocks and roots, I learned how to approach and lift over a larger rock or a small log in the way. Speed became my friend, brakes my enemy, and that looking where I wanted to go applies to everything I seem to enjoy doing.
I cannot wait for another clinic, and another mountain ride!