Life has been a whirlwind lately. My scheduling gets more and more packed each day. I'm not complaining, I like being busy. I just also like my days where I have no plans and can sit on the couch and veg with a good book, some trashy TV, and not stress that I should be elsewhere doing something productive.
Shadow People! Jane, Me, Mom, & SewallSeveral weeks ago, Mom had a seizure which led to the discovery of a slow-growing malignant brain tumor. Treatments are due to start on Monday and with her treatment she has an 80-90% cure rate, which is incredibly high and leaves us anxious for treatments to start. With her different medications and symptoms of those medications, Mom gets tired easily, but wants to be able to enjoy her gardens this summer when the radiation is done and she is feeling more like herself. This weekend we had a group of people get together and get some gardening done. We had what Rachel referred to as a Crop Mob!

Getting Ready
The largest of all the gardens hadn't been touched since we pulled plants last fall and didn't look like a garden at all. It was completely overrun with weeds!
Beginning the Transformation, Rachel, Lynn, Marge, Chris, & JaneThe strawberries weren't even visible with all the grass. It was a complete mess.
Midway... Starting to look like a garden.With some elbow grease from some great friends, it wasn't long before it looked like an honest garden. Now all it needs are some seeds.
The final straw is going down.There were a few other smaller projects tackled and they turned out great as well.
Lynda is staking the flowers.
Joe and Mel and Dad are getting a small flower bed ready for the tubers.
Tubers are in the ground!
Mom and Sewall taking Sophie for a walk, enjoying the days sun.Along with all this gardening, I have really worked to make yoga a part of my life on a weekly basis with a class, and several times a week at home as well. Katy was just the push I needed, as she wanted to start learning and enjoy yoga and wanted to know if I would take a class with her. The yoga has been a bit intense, but oh so good. It has made a huge difference in how I feel, and is really allowing me to feel centered and connected. I struggle a lot with wanting to shut down mentally when I am faced with stressors that want to invade my life and carry a potential of weighing me down and taking over. Yoga has allowed me to stay present, and I am so thankful for that.