We all have places we feel comfortable and confident. We know that we will succeed, even if it takes effort and all that we have, we know we will not fail. That is our comfort zone.
It’s important to know where your comfort zone is. To know what your boundaries are. It is within those boundaries you can relax and reflect. It should be where you can recharge and reevaluate.
Now comes the hard part. Step outside of it. It doesn’t have to be big. It doesn’t have to be an all or nothing mentality. Find something to push you. That is where you grow and learn about yourself. That is where you find yourself. Don’t like meeting new people? Introduce yourself to one new person, not a whole group. Don’t think you can run a 10k? Sign up and finish, however that happens.
Comfort zones are wonderful. Reach for growth, step outside of it!