Thursday, June 18, 2009

9 Patch Crazy Quilt

I am getting very excited about my quilt. It is really starting to come together. After looking through a bunch of fabric my grandmother gave me when she stopped working on quilts due to her eye sight, Jeremy's sister Mary helped me pick a pattern so I didn't have to go buy fabric. It totally rocks, I only have to buy batting and backing.
The 9 patch crazy quilt is going together quickly and I have only been working on it for a total of 4 nights, including cutting. I cut 12 stacks of 9, each stack being a bit different from the next if only in one square, and will make a 90" by 120" (approximately) quilt when finished. Everything except the backing is cut out, and I already have 4 of the 12 stacks cut out.
It won't take but a few more nights to finish cutting and sewing the stacks into crazy patch squares then I can looking at arranging it and sewing it together!

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