My cousin was getting married, and my Mom got all of us kids rooms at The Old Manse Inn. It was a 4 day weekend that was an incredible amount of fun.
Thursday I had to get up and work a 3 hour shift, then Jeremy and I hit the road! He picked me up and we stopped for a visit with Mel before venturing onto the highway. We set cruise control and leisurely made our way to Michelles (until she called and told us to step on it and step on it we did). We stayed perhaps a half an hour too long as we hit traffic going through Boston. It wasn't stop and go, it was all go, but at 5mph.
We "left" Vermont at 10am, and arrived at The Manse at 7pm! Longest trip to the Cape ever I do believe, but lots of fun was had in between.
We arrived at The Old Manse Inn and were greeted by Richard and Karen and made to feel right at home. I have driven by The Manse countless times over the years, and would often give it as a landmark if I was giving someone directions, however I had never been inside the Inn.
We were given a quick tour and shown to our room. Our room was BEAUTIFUL! I loved it, especially the toile wallpaper.

Not long before midnight, all of us had arrived. There were 7 couples staying at the Inn for the first few nights (all of us for the wedding) and over the next few nights, there were other random guests and for one last night we had another couple over for the wedding.
It was wonderful to see Uncle Jack and Aunt Abby, Cousin Jane and Chris, Uncle Scott and Mary, Auntie Lynne and Uncle Craig, and of course Mom and Lynda, and Joe and Mel.
Friday was a beach day. We couldn't have picked a better day. The sun was shinning, the tide was out, PERFECTION. We walked the mile or so out to the chanel, stopping to check out the crabs burrying in the sand and a lobster in the bay. Swimming in the chanel was great, the current kept pulling us farther and farther from our starting point, but we were able to get back to the start with no troubles. On the walk back in, we used the tide to float and carry us a fair amount of the way back.
Friday ended with a family dinner back at The Manse. Dana and Gayle made lasagna and man was it GOOD. There was a vegetarian and a meat, and the veggie was the best!
Saturday was a hot muggy day with a walk, cleaning the cottage, and a swim before getting ready for the wedding. 

Mel helped me with my hair, and my makeup, no way could I have gotten it up looking that good. Both of us look fabulous, obviously!
The highlight was Melissa driving in on a tractor before walking down the aisle to Jason. The wedding was short and really sweet. The reception was awesome. Raw bar, open bar, lots of dancing, incredible food, and not a single Condit Family Feud!
Launi we missed you!
Sunday was pack up and head out day. I didn't want to leave! We stopped and helped Dana and Gayle pick up the tables before hitting the road back to VT.
Looks like you had a great time! What a beautiful place to stay. Can't wait to see pics of the rest of the wedding ;-)
The whole weekend was a blast. The Old Manse Inn couldn't have been more perfect. I'll get the pics posted as soon as I can.
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